I am joining Gatsby

Published February 3rd, 2020

The cat is out of the bag: I am joining Gatsby to work on open source R&D projects, including Blocks, theme-ui, mdx and Gatsby themes!

I think Blocks is one of the most exciting open source projects in the React ecosystem right now. Blocks is a visual editor for your React apps: it renders a page of your app and lets you drag-and-drop components to edit the actual underlying code. ๐Ÿคฏ

This has wide reaching implications for the design and development process. Rather than drawing a bunch of rectangles, designers can visually edit code to design new pages. Instead of handing off static images, they can submit pull requests with their new designs.

I believe that a couple of years from now, visual editors will be standard in web development. Everybody will be using them. However, there is a lot of work left to make them great and I cannot wait to be a part of that!

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